Phil's Articles & Media
Creating Value In Your Business-An Overview
When considering the ultimate sale of a business the actual value that an owner will achieve is dependent upon many factors. I like to describe this value matrix in the context of risk. The lower the risk perceived by a buyer, the higher the value of the business. So knowing what these risk areas are…
Read More >The Excel Experience™
What would it mean for your business to be considered Best in Class? To be the benchmark that other companies try and emulate? How do you view your competition? Do you tolerate your competition? Or would you rather crush them? Are you playing the business game to play? Or are you playing to win? The…
Read More >What do I do?
As a partner with B2B CFO® I am often asked by those investigating the firm, “Just what do I do in an assignment?”. They ask about the type of work am I looking for and what I accomplish for my clients. What I love about my work is that no two clients are alike and…
Read More >What Is The Game Plan?
What is The GamePlan™? The GamePlan™ is a proven six step process that takes an organization from where they are today to where you, the owner, want to be. We help you achieve a higher level of success. The starting point is an analysis of where your business is today. We start with questions like,…
Read More >Creating Value For Your Business Part II
Part II Minimizing Risk By Philip Elworth This is the second in a series of white papers on getting your business ready for a transition. As previously discussed this could mean a sale, a recapitalization or a gift. There are many things a business owner can do– long before the time to transition– to maximize…
Read More >Creating Value For Your Business Part I
Part I Growing Revenue By Philip Elworth This is the first in a series of white papers on the topic of getting your business ready for a transition. This could mean a sale, a recapitalization or a gift. There are many things a business owner should do, long before the time to transition to maximize…
Read More >Can Your Business Really Be Sold
By Philip Elworth Millions of Baby Boomers own their own business, where they have also stored the majority of their net worth. Sometime over the next 10-15 years these businesses will need to change hands. Many of these owners, if they consider their transition at all, will say they will sell the business when the…
Read More >FAST
I am an avid reader and I especially like to focus on business books. After reading them I blog about them; because I have learned by teaching others, I learn more myself. I recently had the chance to meet Brent Allan, who is the author of a new book entitled Stand Out. It is a…
Read More >What to Stop and What to Start
I was sitting in church recently in South Barrington, IL, listening to a message on spiritual growth. I thought the concepts were so universal that I would share them with you, because no matter what part of your life you may be working on, growth is growth. The speaker’s point was that in order to…
Read More >How the New Taxes Affect You
With the passage on January 1, 2013 of the tax bill to pull us off the politically made fiscal cliff, there are many questions pertaining to how this legislation affects you individually. In addition there are a number of other taxes, not included in this legislation that will affect you just as much. While I…
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