Phil's Articles & Media
B2B CFO® Cements Position as Industry Leader with New Patent
Link to Morningstar publication https://www.morningstar.com/news/business-wire/BWIPREM_20190606005254/b2b-cfo-cements-position-as-industry-leader-with-new-patent.html Patent for firm’s proprietary B2B Exit software in effect until 2035 B2B CFO®, a national firm dedicated to providing management advisory services to privately held companies, has received a patent for its B2B Exit software. Jerry L. Mills, founder and chief executive officer of B2B CFO, said the U.S. Patent…
Read More >Seek and You Shall Find
Seeking Systems are a part our brain that create natural impulses to explore our world; learn about our environment; and extract meaning from our circumstances and relationships, this is according to Daniel M. Cable in his book Alive at Work. The Seeking System encourages us to find new hobbies and seek out new skills; all…
Read More >Games
Driving your business towards success requires leadership and not just your own. The leadership in your organization needs to grow and change in order for your company or organization to grow. How about you, has your leadership ability grown or changed over the past couple years? Or are you leading your company the way you…
Read More >How Important Are Your Goals?
While I am a strong believer that setting clear and written goals is critical to success, I have come to understand that setting the goal and reviewing it is not enough. To be successful in achieving the goal you need to visualize what it really means to you. When you have set your goal, sit…
Read More >Is Your World a VUCA World?
The acronym is VUCA. It stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous
Read More >Do You Have Boundaries?
Boundaries apply to all of us in everything we do. A boundary in this context is defined two ways: What you create it to be and what you allow it to be. This leads to the concept of who is in charge of your life and your success. According to Dr. Cloud in his book…
Read More >Execution in Business
As a business owner your greatest impact is in two key areas; 1) developing a great strategy for success and 2) execution on the strategy. Which of these two do you excel in? If you are like most business owners you are good at creating a strategy but not so great at executing one. Why…
Read More >The Secret of Leadership
Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller, in their book entitled The Secret, What Great Leaders Know and Do, has a lot to teach each of us who is looking to build a business or a professional practice. I wish it were a simple formula, but as we know nothing in life worth doing is really simple. …
Read More >Who Do I Really Want On My Team?
One of my favorite business authors is Patrick Lencioni, I believe I have read everything he has written and I have had the pleasure of meeting him in person. His latest book, The Ideal Team Player, is once again a must read for everyone who is trying to build a great company. Recently in my…
Read More >THE FUTURE…?
As a business owner thinking about transitioning from your business there is often the fear of what’s next. I would like to propose you think about this next chapter of your life as a new beginning. What have you always wanted to do but never had the time or the resources to pursue it? The…
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