Mark's Articles & Media

The Best Way to Grow Your Business

Although every business wants to grow, some types of growth are certainly better than others. Consider the following 2 options: OPTION 1: Grow Sales by 20%, and net income increases 50%. OPTION 2: Grow Sales by 50% (a lot more work and risk than Option 1), and net income only increases 20%. The best way…

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Twelve Points for Your Business Compass

Sharing a post from my B2B CFO® partner Tony Valentino: Every day, management and employees are faced with difficult challenges. At times confusion, uncertainty and frustration can slow or interrupt the organizations progress toward success. These twelve common sense ideas can provide the fundamental principles that will help your organization be successful and reach its…

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People Before Profit

In these very tenuous and difficult economic times, the importance of profitability becomes tantamount. Without profit, positive cash flow, which is the lifeblood of business, can quickly  dry up and cause significant difficulty even in basic operations. This is especially true when the availability of credit seems to be evaporating before our eyes. Profitability is…

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Set Your Goals – Get Results

In his book, “What They Don’t Teach You in the Harvard Business School,” Mark McCormack shares a study of students in the 1979  Harvard MBA class, in which the students were asked, “Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?”  Amazingly, only three percent of the graduates had…

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Small Calculator Next To Pile Of Coins


Sharing a post from B2b Partner, Anthony Valentino: With the start of the New Year, many of us will look for ways to improve our lives by making a New Year’s Resolution. A New Year’s Resolution is a goal, hopefully a well thought out goal with plans on how to accomplish it. What goals have…

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Exit Sign With Reflection

Running for the Exits – Is the Tsunami Coming?

For the last several years, sales and purchases of businesses have been in sharp decline. The “Great Recession” has made many people hypersensitive to economic risk. The stock market decline and volatility has eroded wealth and confidence. Many aging baby-boomers who dreamed of getting out by now haven’t been able to exit their businesses. According…

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Woman On Her Side That Can't Sleep

Having Trouble Sleeping?

One of the best things about being a B2B CFO®  partner is being able to connect with professional CFO’s from across the United States who share the same passion I do for helping businesses with their financial strategies and growth. This week, I am sharing an article written by B2B partner Anthony Valentino from New…

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Keep It Simple Stupid

Strategic Planning Made Simple

Whether you are planning a personal strategy, a business plan or a production process, I have found that strategic planning follows the same steps. The first step in this process is to decide what is  important. What is your mission, your vision, your values? What are the guiding principles you will use to filter every…

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Put Social Media to Work for Your Business

  Social media is new and interesting, yet many are dubious about its ability to build business. There are a multitude of case studies in which social media have helped businesses influence or reverse public opinions by being a part of the conversation. When used as part of an integrated marketing plan, social media tools…

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Large Cinematic Tsunami Pushing Over Buildings

Running for the Exits – is the tsunami coming?

For the last several years, sales and purchases of businesses have been in sharp decline. The “Great Recession” has made many people hypersensitive to economic risk. The stock market decline and volatility has eroded wealth and confidence. Many aging baby-boomers who dreamed of getting out by now haven’t been able to exit their businesses. According…

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