I set a meeting with Bob, the CEO of a petroleum company. This was the second year of participating as a Manager with Arthur Andersen & Company (AA&Co) in the audit of Bob's company. He was normally open and gregarious, but today he was solemn. Instead of conversing about the audit of his company, he stared out a large window at his company's fuel tanks. He was obviously stressed and not interested in the wrap-up procedure of my firm's audit process... SEE MORE
Concerned, I told Bob that I would forgo the required audit checklist if he would tell me what was on his mind. He turned to me and rolled his chair until his face was about eight inches from mine. He asked if I was sincere in wanting to know his concerns. "Yes," I responded and he began asking questions. A dialog pursued.
Q: "What day is today, Jerry?"
A: "It's Wednesday about 6:00 PM, I replied."
Q: "How many employees are on my payroll?"
A: "I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know. Maybe around 65-70?"
Q: "The number is 75, Jerry. And, when is the next payroll of my company?"
A: "Bob, I honestly do not know. Please tell me."
Q: "The next payroll is Friday morning, Jerry. The reason I am so stressed is because I don't have the money to make payroll. Does that make sense to you?" Do you now understand why I'm not interested in the AA&Co audit?"
I was mortified. I thought to myself, "So, you think of yourself as a big-shot experienced Manager with AA&Co and you don't even know how to help this business owner to make his payroll on Friday? What kind of professional are you, really?"
It was a long ride home and an even longer time explaining things to my wife, Christine. I had to explain to her that I was in the wrong profession. I discovered in my meeting with my client, Bob, that I had no interest in being a historian, doing audits and taxes. Instead, I was created to help business owners see into the future and to help them achieve their dreams.
This story and the creation of B2B CFO® eventually led to documenting our Why Statement:
In everything we do, we believe in improving the lives of business owners. We believe each owner is unique and important to our society. We improve their lives by understanding their goals and removing barriers that get in their way. We have proprietary tools and processes.
The rest of the story is history. Helping about 100 clients during my tenure with B2B CFO®, helping hundreds of CFOs to duplicate my process as successful consultants, writing three successful books (The Danger Zone, Avoiding the Danger Zone, The Exit Strategy Handbook), designing a now double-patented B2B EXIT® software, helping the firm earn numerous awards, etc. The rest of the story is long and is on our company's website.
I've been able to, vicariously, help thousands of business owners achieve success. A great reward from my original dream.
The greatest achievement has been my marriage to Christine and the rewards of our having children and, as of this writing, being blessed with 14 grandchildren.
And yet, the story is not over. In 2023, with the assistance of the firm's great employees, we launched a new sister company named B2B EXIT® at www.b2bexit.com. This will allow for an even greater service to our clients. Even better, we now are able to promote our Exit Advisors that are presently in B2B CFO® plus those that will join us in in the future in this ever-progressing pursuit of excellence. One can see the press release for this new company on the News tab on www.b2bcfo.com.
Please stay tuned. The story is not yet complete. I will publish a fourth book in 2024 to help our clients with their education about selling their companies. As our trademark states, First Direction, Then Velocity®.