Where Do I Begin?
Posted on November 27, 2013 by Danny Windsor
Tomorrow is the national US holiday that has been set aside known as Thanksgiving Day. When I think of all the things I have to be thankful for, it overwhelms me and I simply do not know where to begin. Of course I could take a year listing my blessings and I would still only be getting started. So, I will mention just a sampling of the multitude of blessings I am thankful for in the list below. I am truly thankful for:
- Life and all of the opportunities life has to offer– God has given me life and every breath that I take. Being alive is a wonderful blessing because of the many avenues in which to choose to add value to others. Isn’t that what life is all about? To help others have the best life possible.
- My wife– I am so grateful to my spouse and the 36 years we have had together. I shudder to think where I would be today without her love, support, and encouragement all of these years. Every man should be so fortunate.
- My immediate family– I was raised in a home with parents who loved me, encouraged me, and supported me. Parents who were role models of hard work, honesty, and giving. How thankful I am for their wisdom and guidance! My children are grown but what a blessing they were and are.
- The Business Owner– I am so thankful for those business owners who have risked so much to build their companies and to provide jobs to so many. I have had the privilege, since I have been with my firm, to work with many. They are some of the very best people I know and truly care so much about their people. It is often times lonely at the top. Business owners need our support and encouragement to carry on. For their trust and confidence in me, I am thankful.
- Material blessings– I have so many material blessings that I often take for granted. In this country, I am so rich compared to many in the world. Food in abundance, fine homes, clothing, and so many luxuries. I have no excuse for not being of value to others with the abundant blessings I have.
Also, I am thankful for each of you who read my newsletter and blog. May each of you have a very happy Thanksgiving holiday!