Some Things Never Change

Posted on November 28, 2014 by Danny Windsor

small_15324150069I have just finished reading an outstanding book written by Jim Blasingame titled, The Age of the Customer.  In his book, Blasingame analyzed what has changed over the years in communicating and marketing to the customer especially in light of the information, social media age that is the new reality.  Indeed, companies that succeed must stay on the cutting edge of how customers search for and seek out their products and services tailoring their advertising and marketing methods to stay relevant.  In the last chapter of his book; however, Blasingame discussed what has not changed and what will not change in the future as follows:

  • Gratitude– “Thank You” is among the most powerful phrases in all of human interaction because it is so rarely used. Unique is the individual who is grateful and remembers to consistently thank all of those who positively impact their lives.  Blasingame says “thank you” are the two most powerful words in business and, “If your door is open, if your phone is ringing, if your website is working, Customers must know how important they are to you (Blasingame, p.188).”
  • Financial Fundamentals– Blasingame says certain financial fundamentals are appropriate in every age and will not change such as, “cash will always be king, sustainable profitability has been, and will always be, required for business success, and if you don’t produce and manage with regular and accurate financial statements, you’re driving your business 100 miles an hour down a one-way street the wrong way, at night, in the fog, without lights (Blasingame, p.188, 189).”
  • Employees– Blasingame says in this age of technology, employees are still human and among other things need to be treated with respect, dignity, and honesty (Blasingame, p.189). Employees that are treated well will result in customers that are treated well.

Never forget that every successful business has a solid foundation that includes gratitude, financial fundamentals, and excellent well-treated employees.

*Blasingame, Jim, (2014), The Age of the Customer

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