Consistency is a Must
Posted on January 19, 2014 by Danny Windsor
Curt Simmons was an outstanding pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals and in particular 1964. In writing about him, David Halberstam said, “He was a manager’s dream-six or seven quality innings on every start, a pitcher who performed well even when he did not have his best stuff (Halberstam, p. 242).” Curt Simmons was consistent.
Several years ago, I played in a weekly tennis league and at the end of the league’s season, each of the league members would vote on various awards to be given to the other players. I was nowhere nearly as talented as the others in the group; however, my colleagues gave me an award of “Most Consistent”. I have often wondered what was meant by being the most consistent. Webster’s on-line dictionary defines consistent as “always acting or behaving in the same way: of the same quality: continuing to happen or develop in the same way.”
Relating consistency to a business means a consistent company always performs in a certain way that ensures a viable on-going enterprise through all of the ups and downs of a business cycle. A consistent company always:
- Plans for the future by developing well thought out long term strategic plans and short term budgets and forecasts at least yearly.
- Performs continuing rigorous analysis of everyone on their team to ensure they have the right people in the right places, particularly those in managing roles.
- Maintains an updated, comprehensive, marketing, sales, and branding plan to stay visible to new customers and ahead of the competition.
- Analyzes every month and on a timely basis key financial data to ensure they are staying on track in meeting their financial goals.
- Continually forecasts cash flow knowing that cash is the lifeblood of the business.
Consistency is a good quality and a vital one in achieving success in business. Be consistent!
*Halberstam, David, (1994, 1995), October 1964