Thankfulness and Your Company’s Success
Posted on November 21, 2012 by Danny Windsor
Though we should be thankful for our blessings daily, it is at this time of the year when we are especially reminded of just how grateful we should be because we truly have so much. Thankfulness is such an admirable quality in an individual and I believe one of the reasons is that a thankful person never takes any blessing for granted. A thankful individual is a person who understands that without the help of others throughout their lifetime, they simply would not be where they are today. I believe it was Zig Ziglar who I heard say that he maintained a wall of gratitude in his home with everyone listed who had helped him throughout his life and for whom he was grateful. Is it any wonder why Zig reached his level of success? Being thankful will help your company reach a higher level of success and I can think of three reasons.
- Being thankful means you will never take your customers for granted. Without a customer there is no business. Peter Drucker said it well when he said, “There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer. The customer is the foundation of a business and keeps it in existence. He alone gives employment (Drucker, 2004, p.80).” Be thankful for your customers. They have put their confidence and trust in you. Let them know how much you appreciate them.
- Being thankful means you will never take your employees for granted. No one achieves success without the help and assistance of others. Dependable, honest, trustworthy employees are like gold. They are precious and valuable. Always express appreciation for them and show them through deeds just how much you appreciate and value them.
- Being a CFO I had to include this one. Being thankful means you will never take your cash flow for granted. You have a company that stays in business because the cash flow allows it. Always maintain the controls and efficiencies that help you maintain a solid cash position. As long as the cash flows positive, you will have a thriving business that will continue to serve your customers, take care of your people, and increase the value of your company.
*Drucker, Peter F., (2004), The Daily Drucker