Danny's Articles & Media
A Common Thread
I greatly enjoy reading about people who have been successful in their respective fields. I also have a continuing interest in successful companies and learning some keys to their success. This is helpful to me for both my personal success, and as a resource to draw on in assisting my clients. In my research of…
Read More >Adjusted and Multiple
In my last article, I discussed the EBITDA method of valuation as it relates to the very first step in developing an exit strategy. Every business owner should understand this method and know the current EBITDA of their company, and the future EBITDA that will be needed when they are ready to sell. To review,…
Read More >The Starting Point
Any successful exit strategy and ultimate successful exit will have a successful beginning. In fact, this is probably the most important point of the exit strategy process. The key to a successful start of an exit strategy is an honest assessment of where the company is today in all vital areas. Only then can a…
Read More >Continue to Focus
This article is for those business owners that have begun the process of entertaining offers for the eventual sale of their company, or have established a goal for the sale of their business with a time-line. Whether you realize it or not, you have entered an area of danger that could keep you from selling…
Read More >Keep it Fun
Every business moves through certain stages during the course of its existence. The time period of each phase varies depending on many factors that confront the company. In his book, Predictable Success, Les McKeown identifies seven stages of growth and decline through which every organization progresses (McKeown, p.16). One of the early stages he identifies…
Read More >Enduring Companies
In a recent Inc. magazine article, Jason Fried wrote concerning private companies that had been in business for a long time, at least 25 years. One of the points of his article is that those who are aspiring to have great companies should look to these companies that have stood the test of time for…
Read More >On-Going Due Diligence
Virtually every business owner that goes through an eventual sale of their company will encounter a process known as due diligence. A technical definition of due diligence is “research and analysis of a company or organization done in preparation for a business transaction (Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary).” Any potential buyer of a company will perform an…
Read More >Steps to a Competitive Advantage
I am thankful for being born into a country of competition. In a free market society like the United States, everyone is continually competing for the rewards that go with being the very best. This applies to all areas including sports, entertainment, non-profit, education and of course, business. The greatest rewards go to the best,…
Read More >Purpose of a Forecast
According to Merriam-Webster’s on-line dictionary a forecast means, “to calculate or predict (some future event or condition) usually as a result of study and analysis of available pertinent data; especially: to predict (weather conditions) on the basis of correlated meteorological observations.” We all know the importance of weather forecasts. Although not always one hundred percent accurate,…
Read More >George Washington and Your Company’s Value
A primary goal of every business owner should be to maximize the value of their company. There are several key characteristics that companies of high and increasing value exhibit; however, it begins with excellent management and a skilled team. How do you know if a company has excellent management and a skilled team? There is…
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