Can I Depend on You?
Posted on February 26, 2014 by Danny Windsor
Have you ever had anyone ask you that question? Maybe that question was not asked in just so many words, but it was insinuated and understood. One of the most valuable qualities an individual can have is one of being always dependable, especially at critical times. Merriam-Webster’s on-line dictionary says to be dependable means, “able to be trusted to do or provide what is needed.” Isn’t this really the essence of being a successful and respected business owner? Many are depending on the business owner and the following is just a sample.
- Customers– A business’s customers are giving their hard earned money in exchange for the products or services provided by the company. They are depending on the service or product being delivered on time, with high quality and that it will do what has been promised. They are depending on the fact that the owner will make good quickly on any defect in the product or service.
- Employees– Employees are depending on the owner of a business having their best interest at heart. They are depending on a fair paycheck for work well done. Many depend on the business owner for words of encouragement that brighten their day where they give many hours of their lives. They depend on recognition for their efforts and recognition from the right person can literally change a life for the good.
- Vendors– Vendors depend on the business owner for timely payment of goods or services they have delivered. If they have delivered good products and service, they depend on the owner for kind words of testimonials that mean so much for their reputation and the continued growth of their businesses.
Business owners who are consistent with dependability will most likely be successful and respected. Never underestimate the power of this quality.