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Providing CFO Services in Modesto, CA Increasing the Value of Your Business Avoiding the Deal-Making Trap 5 C’s of Credit – How to Get a Business Loan
Read More >FAITH…Do you need it to be successful in business these days?
Webster defines FAITH as to have “complete trust or confidence in someone or something”. I received an urgent phone call recently from a business owner that was panicking over not getting his business line of credit renewed. He was upset that for 100 years his family business had banked with this certain bank and now…
Read More >Business Ethics – HONESTY…Does it still exist?
Business Ethics – Relative Honesty Webster’s dictionary defines honesty as…2 a: FAIRNESS and straightforwardness of CONDUCT, b: adherence to the FACTS : sincerity As I pondered this definition it struck me that today a lot of people include another word into the definition of honesty…RELATIVE…relative honesty…honesty that can change depending on the circumstances. This is…
Read More >Are There Skeletons In Your Closet
I recently came across an article written by Heidi Bolger, CPA/ABV that was published in the AICPA CPA Insider September 17, 2012 that discusses actions business owners should take PRIOR to beginning an exit process. These constructive ideas should be part of any exit strategy and done well in advance of a business sale. The B2B CFO® GamePlan™ process covers these very activites…and the starting point is a complimnetary Discovery Analysis™
Read More >The Coming Small Business Exodus
You’ve heard the statistics. Somewhere between 8 and 10 million small U.S. businesses owned by baby-boomers will come to market over the next ten to fifteen years. That sounds like a buyer’s market to me. That is why it is also predicted that less than 20% of these companies are expected to have a successful…
Read More >Need More Cash?
Understanding your “Cash To Cash” cycle A business owner, or someone who works with business owners’ cash, has a constant and unrelenting problem. Do you sometimes wonder where your cash went? There are several “tricks of the trade” that well managed companies utilize to maximize their cash flow. These cash policies can be used by…
Read More >How To Get Cash WITHOUT Going To The Bank
Managing Accounts Receivables Every business needs cash in order to be successful. When times are good, cash (along with many other important metrics) can be forgotten and overlooked. When times are bad, the individual entrepreneur, small business as well as Fortune 100 Companies (yes, even the auto industry) are in critical need of it. The…
Read More >Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Announces Alliance With B2B CFO
www.news.b2bcfo.com September 7, 2010 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney (MSSB), a joint venture by Morgan Stanley and Citigroup, has partnered with Phoenix-based B2B CFO to meet both the corporate and personal wealth management needs of privately held businesses and their owners. The alliance, which will be executed through MSSB’s Professional Alliance Group, paves a…
Read More >COMMITMENT…Why is it important?
Webster’s dictionary defines commitment as…2 a: an AGREEMENTor PLEDGE to do something in the future. I lay awake at night sometimes asking “was I a good father today” to my 2 daughters…ever feel that way or been up late thinking about such things? I am guessing “yes”. I have come to the realization that the…
Read More >INTEGRITY…What is it good for
I have finally succumbed to the fact that blogging is here to stay. We are all so inundated with social media “noise” that I have resisted blogging as it represents yet another source. But then as I contemplated it more blogging could provide me a way to express how I felt about certain ideas, principles…
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